In-Home Behavioral Services


Connecticut Behavioral Health (CBH) provides in-home behavioral services for individuals and families with Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses, disruptive behavior disorders, and developmental delays. CBH contracts with DDS, DCF, Private Insurance companies, and Beacon Health Options (Medicaid/Husky Insurance) to provide in-home behavioral services.

In Home Behavioral Services

Who Provides Services

  • Behaviorist: A master’s level behaviorist with specialized training in Applied Behavior Analysis leads the in-home behavioral services team.
  • Behavior Technician: A behavior technician is trained and supervised by the Behaviorist to implement all behavioral interventions and collect data on the effectiveness of the behavioral interventions.

Structure of Services

  • Behavioral Assessment: A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is completed to determine the specific behavioral needs of the individual.
  • Behavior Intervention Plan: A behavior technician is trained and supervised by the Behaviorist to implement all behavioral interventions and collect data on the effectiveness of the behavioral interventions.

How To Access Services

Contact the agency below, specific to your individual situation, and indicate that you would like Connecticut Behavioral Health to provide in-home behavioral services.

  • Beacon Health Options (Medicaid/Husky Insurance): Autism Spectrum Disorders Services: 1-877-552-8247
  • Department of Developmental Services: contact your regional DDS office: 1-860-418-6000; ask for information about In-Home Behavioral Services
  • Department of Children and Families: contact your regional DCF office through go to contact us tab to locate the phone number for your regional office.
  • Your Private Insurance Company


Give us a call, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have