What Schools Get When They Bring in the TEAM
- COST SAVINGS: By retaining students at in district placements compared to placing students out of district, CTSP have resulted in significant cost savings to the district.
- Data-Based Decision-Making and Continuous Progress Monitoring of Academic, Behavioral, and Social-Emotional Outcomes to Inform Individual and Group-Based Interventions and Supports
- Effective Collaboration and Coordinating Services between Clinical-Community Mental Health Providers, Families, School Administrators, Highly-Qualified Teachers, and Support Staff
- Development and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices to Address a Broad Spectrum of Students’ Mental and Behavioral Health Concerns
- Expanded School Mental and Behavioral Health Services including Case Consultation, Multi-Tiered Support Systems, Positive Discipline Practices, Strengths-Based Intervention, and Restorative Justice Programming
- Professional Development and On-Site Training in Classroom Behavior Management, Therapeutic Teaching, Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions, De-Escalation and Safety Strategies, Treatment Fidelity and Progress Monitoring
Weekly Clinical Consultation from a Psychologist:
- Team support and understanding of clinical issues impacting a students’ education
- Consultation on Cognitive Behavioral Planning for students
- Professional Development Presentations
- Risk and Diagnostic Evaluations
Weekly Behavioral Consultation from a Behaviorist
- Team support and understanding of behavioral issues impacting a students’ education
- Professional Development Presentations
Development of District Wide Therapeutic Programs
- Elementary, Middle, and High School Programs
Weekly Clinical Consultation from Psychologist
- Collaboration with team on clinical interventions for students
Weekly Behavioral Consultation from Behaviorist
- Program effectiveness analysis
- Collaboration with team on individual behavioral programming
Behavior Interventionists in each classroom to assist with implementation of therapeutic programming
- Behavior Interventionists: 4-6 depending on the number of classrooms (minimum of 4 classrooms)
Administration of Program by Program Administrator
Psychologist/Social Worker to provide individual and group counseling needs as well as family-based services
Behaviorist Addressing Behavioral Needs
Behavior Interventionists/Behavioral Support Staff
A classroom environment focused on those students with more emotional needs that impact their ability to attend class consistently.
Goals of this Service
- Anxiety Management
- Enhance Coping Skills
Staffing The Classroom
- Social Worker: conduct group counseling, individual counseling, monthly parenting group
- Special Education Teacher
- Teacher's Aide